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Kũgũrwo kwa 21st Century Fox nĩ Disney

From Wikipedia

Kũgũrwo kwa 21st Century Fox n The Walt Disney Company wa inĩkĩrĩirwo mwerũ wa gatano wa mwaka wa 2019. Kũgerera indo ingĩ cia bata, kũgwatwo nĩ studio cia 20th Century Fox cia thinema na TV, itara cia cable cia Amerika ta FX, Fox Networks Group, gĩcunjĩ kĩa 73% kĩa National Geographic Partners, rũhonge rwa TV rwa India rwa Star India, na gĩcunjĩ kĩa 30% kĩa Hulu. Mũthenya ũmwe mbere ya kũgũrwo, 2 Century Fox nĩ yaarungũririe Kambuni ya Fox Broadcasting, Fox Television Stations, Fox News Channel, Fox Business, Fox Sports 1 na 2, Fox Deportes, na Big Ten Network na ĩgĩtuĩka Fox Corporation ĩrĩa yaambĩrĩirie kũgĩa. Indo ingĩ cia 21st Century Fox ta Fox Sports Networks na Sky nĩ ciathutũkirio na ikĩgurĩrio kũrĩ andũ angĩ ta Comcast na Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Bũrũri-inĩ ' Brazil, Disney nĩ yaendaga kũongerera igai ria Coco ginya gĩcunjĩ kĩa 52% (kuuma 50% ya tene) na njũngwa imwe cia thinema ikĩtĩkwonania mbica icio. Thinema iria cionanirie Coco nĩ 618 kũringanithia na 919 iria cionithanagia Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ya Sony Pictures.